These tools were originally created for the English patch, so if you have issues that are unique to your project, you'll need to create your own solutions. Basically, these tools will help your translation project about 95% of the way - but you'll need to figure out the rest yourself. XCA is an x509 certificate generation tool, handling RSA, DSA and EC keys, certificate signing requests (PKCS#10) and CRLs. It supports a broad range of import and export formats. Xkas: Near: Simpler, Faster, Better. This is by far the simplest, most flexible SNES cross assembler there is. You can both hack ROMs and create new homebrew SNES ROMS with this tool. Take it from an SNES hacking veteran of 10 years, this tool is GOOD! Assembly Tools: SNES: N/A: Win: 0.06: 01 Aug 2004: spcas: Near.
- ;this file made for xkas
- ;variable locations (these are lowrom addresses) (these addresses should match the ones on the include below)
- !CodeOffset = $B08000
- !SetBank = #$B1
- !SetBank2 = #$B2 ;should always be 1 more than SetBank1 (not sure if it's same with HiRom)
- !MapOffset = #$8000
- !ColBank = #$B3
- org $B18000
- incbin introfiles/
- org $B39000
- ;start of rom position, should be 00:FF00 if it's HiRom (use LunarAdress to tell which it is)
- JMP !CodeOffset
- org !CodeOffset
- SEP #$30
- LDA #$00
- STA $2100
- STA $2101
- STA $2103
- STA $2106
- STA $2108
- STA $210A
- STA $210C
- STA $210D
- STA $210E
- STA $210F
- STA $2110
- STA $2111
- STA $2112
- STA $2113
- STA $2114
- LDA #$80
- LDA #$00
- STA $2117
- STA $211B
- STA $211B
- STA $211C
- STA $211D
- STA $211E
- STA $211E
- STA $211F
- STA $2120
- STA $2121
- STA $2124
- STA $2126
- STA $2128
- STA $212A
- LDA #$01
- LDA #$00
- STA $212E
- LDA #$30
- LDA #$00
- LDA #$E0
- LDA #$00
- LDA #$01 ;auto read joypads
- STA $4200
- STA $4201
- STA $4202
- STA $4204
- STA $4206
- STA $4208
- STA $420A
- STA $420C
- REP #$30
- LDA #$03
- LDA #$01
- LDA #$00
- LDA #$01
- ;JSR $2201
- LDX #$8000
- LDX #$1801
- LDX !MapOffset
- LDA !MapBank
- LDX #$0C00
- LDA #$01
- LDA #$00
- LDX #$2200
- LDX !ColOffset
- LDA !ColBank
- LDX #$0200 ;512 colors
- LDA #$01
- JSR Jump1
- ;copy first half #$8000
- STX $2116
- STX $4300
- STX $4302
- STA $4304
- STX $4305
- STA $420B
- ;copy bottom half #$6000 in size
- STX $4302
- STA $4304
- STX $4305
- STA $420B
- STA $2100
- JSR Jump2
- CMP #$10
- {
- LDX #$0030
- Jump3:
- Jump4:
- BNE Jump4
- Jump5:
- LDA $4212
- BEQ Jump5
- Jump6:
- AND #$01
- LDA $4218
- BNE Jump7
- ;BNE Jump3 ;don't wait for keypress
- SEP #$20
- AND #$80
- LDA #$0F
- Jump10:
- JSR Jump2
- CMP #$00
- LDX #$0000
- ;old code from beginning of unchanged rom
- REP #$10
- Jump1:
- Jump11:
- AND #$80
- Jump2:
- Jump8:
- BNE Jump8
- pha
- sep #$20
- ; sta.l $4200
- Vloop:
- and #$80
- ; sta.l $4200
- plp
- rts