Winutils Exe Hadoop

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Jun 01, 2018 However winutils.exe is a tool created to help if you don't plan to use Hadoop in order to perform distrubite computing, for example because you are only testing Spark locally, on Windows. Press WIN+PAUSE, go to Advanced Settings and Environment variables. HADOOP-11003 org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell should not take a dependency on binaries being deployed when used as a library Resolved HADOOP-10775 Shell operations to fail with meaningful errors on windows if winutils.exe not found.

Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path (8)

I am getting the following error while starting namenode for latest hadoop-2.2 release. I didn't find winutils exe file in hadoop bin folder. I tried below commands

Simple Solution :Download it from here and add to $HADOOP_HOME/bin

(Source :Click here)


For hadoop-2.6.0 you can download binaries from Titus Barik blog >>.

I have not only needed to point HADOOP_HOME to extracted directory [path], but also provide system property -Djava.library.path=[path]bin to load native libs (dll).

Winutils.exe Hadoop 3.2.1

Apache Spark

Spark is an in-memory cluster computing framework for processing and analyzing large amounts of data.

Steps to Install Spark in Windows.

Step 1: Install Java

You must have java installed in your system.

If you dont have java installed in your system, download the appropriate java version from this link.

Step 2: Downloading Winutils.exe and setting up Hadoop path

  • To run spark in windows without any complications, we have to download winutils . Download winutils from this link.
  • Now, create a folder in C drive with name winutils. Inside the winutils folder create another folder named bin and place the winutils.exe .
  • Now, open environment variables and click on new. And, add HADOOP_HOME as shown in the pic.

Winutils.exe Hadoop 3.1.1

  • Now, select path environment variable which is already present in the list and click on edit. In the path environment variable, click on new and add %HADOOP_HOME%bin in it, as shown in the picture below.

Step 3: Install scala.

  • If you dont have scala installed in your system, Download and install scala from the official site.

Step 4: Downloading Apache Spark and Setting the path.

Winutils Exe Hadoop
  • Download the latest version of Apache Spark from official site. While writing this blog, Spark 2.1.1 is the latest version.
  • The downloaded file will be in the form of .7.tgz. So, use software like 7zip to extract it.
  • After extracting the files, create a new folder in C drive with name Spark ( or name u like) and copy the content into that folder.
  • Now, we have to set SPARK_HOME environment variable. It is same as setting the HADOOP_HOME path.

Now, edit the path variable to add %SPARK_HOME%bin path.

Winutils.exe Hadoop 2.7 Download

Thats it… :). Spark Installation is done.

Running Spark

To run spark, Open a Command Prompt(CMD) and type spark-shell. hit enter.

If everything is correct, you will get a screen like this without any errors.

To create a Spark project using SBT to work with eclipse, check this link.

If have any errors installing the Spark, please post the problem in the comments. I will try to solve.

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