Sundarakanda Sargas In Telugu Pdf

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SHODASADINA SUNDARAKANDA - PARAYANADEEKSHA PROCESS: Date of Live: Name of the Live Programme: Day No. PDF Text Telugu: Sundarakanda Youtube Video Link:: SHODASADINA SUNDARAKANDA - PARAYANADEEKSHA: DAY-01:: SHODASADINA SUNDARAKANDA - PARAYANADEEKSHA: DAY-02:: SHODASADINA SUNDARAKANDA - PARAYANADEEKSHA. Sundarakanda parayanam telugu pdf To help people who don't know Sanskrit script, there are books comprising Sanskrit slokas along with English or other Indian vernacular languages transliteration. This is all my misfortune which sunfarakanda even destroy fire. Download paaryanam PDF version of Sundara Kanda script in various languages here: TELUGU.

Sundarakanda 41 Sarga In Telugu Pdf


Sundara Kanda literally “beautiful episode/book”, is the fifth book in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. It depicts the adventures of Hanuman. The original Sundara. download song mp3 Ms Rama Rao Telugu Hanuman Sundarakanda Part 2 free from youtube, Ms Rama Rao Telugu Hanuman Sundarakanda Part 2 3gp clip. (Andhra-telugu). 1. Page 2. ” ” ” “,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., http://saranaagathi. (Andhra-telugu). 2 (Andhra-telugu). 3.

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Sankshipta Sundarakanda in Sanskrit. Sankshipta Sundarakanda in Telugu. Sankshipta Sundarakanda in Kannada. Sankshipta Sundarakanda in Malayalam. Sundarakanda Katha in Telugu. According to traditional folklore Ramayana text has twenty four thousand Slokas corresponding to the twenty four syllables of Gayatri mantra.

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The first Sloka of Sundarakanda has the twelfth syllable of the twenty four syllables of the Gayatri mantra, placing Sundarakanda in a way at the virtual center or the heart of Ramayana. Sundarakanda is probably the most widely read part of Ramayana and carries a widely known verse about itself saying. In Sundarakanda Rama is beautifulSita is beautiful, Hunuman is beautiful. What is not beautiful in Sundarakanda?

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Considering teluvu tradition of naming a book or chapter of a book after the main character, one can conclude Sundarakanda is about Sundarathe Hunuman who is the center piece of action in Sundarakanda. Sundarakanda is the story of the determination of Hanuman sundarqkanda achieving the task he set out as stated in the opening stanza of Sundarakanda.

The story built in Sundarakanda can be briefly stated as follows. Hanuman flies across the ocean overcoming several obstaclesenters Lanka, after intensive search finds Sitaidentifies himself as the messenger of Ramatakes her message and a token Chudamani from her as an identificationthen announces himself as the servant and messenger of Rama, destroys the palace garden of Ravana, gains audience nanuman Ravana, conveys his own message to Ravana saying return Sita or face annihilation.

When his message of conciliation was rejected and his tail was set on firehe uses that to burn down the city of Lankareturns triumphantly to Kishkindha and conveys to Rama that Sita is safe but in the custody of the Rakshasa King Hajuman in Lankacontinuously pining for Rama and awaiting action by Rama to get her released. Stripped of religious overtones sundarzkanda, Sundarakanda starts in the background where in Sri Rama and Sita have gone through relentless troubles and difficulties in terms of the abrupt cancellation of coronation, banishment to the foreststhe death of father Dasarathathe abduction of Sita.

Sri Rama himself says, ” Kingdom is Lost. Now this Bird Jatayu is dead. This is all my hanman which can even destroy fire.

This sundarakana of despondency continues with the despondency of the search party led hanuma Angada being unable to find Sita. They were also facing the daunting task of crossing the ocean to locate Sita. From there the seeds of success are sown with Jambavaan prodding Hanuman to take upon himself the task of crossing the ocean.

Starting in this backgroundthe exploits of Hanuman in crossing the ocean create a sense of exuberance. The long sought after success in locating Sitabringing peace to her agitated mindbringing peace to Rama by informing him of the safety of Sita provide a turning point in Ramayana.

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So much so that the tradition has it that Sadhana connected with Sundarakanda creates a sense sundafakanda peace sundaraanda success for those who undertake the Saadhana of Sundarakanda. Over the ages Sundarakanda in Ramayan acquired an importance of sundarakana ownmuch like the Bhagavad-Gita in Mahabharata, which is an epic which came after Telhgu. The two central images of Sundarakanda which created an aurawhich made it an entity in the daily parayana, the program of prayer in many families are the roles of Hanuman and Sita.

Hanuaman is depicted as the selfless ,devotedcourageousintelligentpowerfulbut simple Rambhakta devotee of Rama. Sita is portrayed as the deeply afflicted and sorrowing wife, yet endowed with an unflinching wifely devotion for Sri Rama such as when she declares.

With such strong portrayals of unbounded loyalty and devotionnumber of beliefs have sprung up in the tradition bound Indian families. It is said that when a man has some great issue at stake that will either mend or mar his life, he reads Sundarakanda or hears it expounded.

When a man is illpast medical help people believe if one reads Sundarakanda Maruti will bring him back to life and good health. This is only to illustrate the beliefs which grew over the ages about the power of Sundarakanda in the tradition bound Indian families. But there is certainly more to Sundarakanda hanujan one were to look at the inner meaning or the buried message in Sundarakanda than the beliefs built about its mystic powers.

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Sundarakanda Sargas In Telugu Pdf

While Sundarakanda occupies such prime place in the Indian family traditionfor some not so clear reasons it has not been adequately represented in the academic nanuman of Sanskrit Students except in terms of a chapter or two. This is possibly because of the size of Sundarakanda. There are no shortened versions of Sundarakanda solely using the slokas of Valmiki which capture the story in its entirety.

Sundarakanda contains more than three thousand slokas covering wide variety of imagerythe flight of Hanuman across the seasearch for Sita in Lanka as well as the lengthy discourses between Hanuman and SitaHanuman and Ravana.

In addition there are Hanumans own soliloquies. This is not a critical effort and is not aimed at appreciation by critics. This could be seen as the first reading for uninitiated in the mysteries of Sundarakanda with the hope after going through this, one would go to the full Sundarakanda. Home Ramayanam Bhagavatam Trust Contacts.

The first Sloka of Sundarakanda has the twelfth syllable of the twenty four syllables of the Gayatri mantra, placing Sundarakanda in a way at the virtual center or the heart of Ramayana Sundarakanda is probably the most widely read part of Ramayana and carries a widely known verse about itself saying In Sundarakanda Rama is beautifulSita is beautiful, Hunuman is beautiful.

Sita is portrayed as the deeply afflicted and sorrowing wife, yet endowed with an unflinching wifely devotion for Sri Rama such as when she declares With such strong portrayals of unbounded loyalty and devotionnumber of beliefs have sprung up in the tradition bound Indian families. Kasarabada Kamaraju Charitable Trust.


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Sundarakanda Chapter 15 is one of the more often read Sargas of Sundarakanda.

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Chapter Summary :

Hanuman hidden in the thicket of the Simsupa tree started looking around in anticipation of Maithili walking that way. Then he noticed a lady in distress dressed in worn out clothes surrounded by Rakshasa women sitting under the simsupa tree. Noticing the ornaments which were hung from the tree as those described by SriRama, Hanuman quickly concludes that the lady is indeed Sita the consort of Rama. Looking at her and thinking of SriRama Hanuman was delighted that he could finally locate Sita.

To read chapter 15 Sanskrit slokas click here

'Hidden in the simsupa tree awaiting Sita , Hanuman looked all around in search of Sita'


Chapter 15

Hidden in the simsupa tree awaiting Sita , Hanuman looked all around in search of Sita'.

The Ashokvan was adorned with Kalpa tree with excellent fragrances and juices . That beautiful forest appeared like Nanadana garden ( of Indra) . It was interspersed with palaces and resounded with sweet noises of cuckoos and shrill voices of peacocks. The ponds were filled with golden lotuses and the whole forest shone with red glow of Ashoka flowers. Wide variety of all fruits and flowers were available. Also beautiful seats were erected at various places. The branches of the trees were covered with birds . The birds were continuously jumping from one branch to another giving the impression that tree was covered with birds and there were no leaves ! There were Punnaga, Saptaparna, Champaka and Uddalaka trees. There were also numerous Ashoka trees. Some of them were of golden hue, some were flaming red like fire, some were of deep collyrium hue. The Ashoka grove was more beautiful than Nanda garden and Chaitraratha wood of Kubera. Various kinds of smells were there as in Himalayas or in Gandhamadhava mountains. At a short distance he saw a coral palace white as Kailasa mountain resting on a thousand pillars. Its stairs were made of Coral and had several dias of gold. Shining brightly its height touched the sky.

Then Hanuman saw a woman emaciated through fasting, surrounded by many Rakshasa women.

Sundarakanda Sargas In Telugu Pdf Online

She was sighing repeatedly and seemed to be immersed in sorrow. She was immaculate like the moon in the bright fortnight with delightful splendor which was difficult to recognize much like the flames enveloped in smoke . She was devoid of all ornaments and wore single piece of yellow cloth of superior quality though covered with dust. She looked like Goddess Lakshmi without a Lotus. It seemed like she was brooding over some thing and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Away from her kindred she looked exactly like the she deer separated from her herd and surrounded by a pack of hounds. Beholding the large eyed woman who looked emaciated and who seemed to have never known the calamities before and who though deserving all comforts was now stricken with sorrow, Hanuman thought she must be Sita

He said to himself ' This lady is precisely endowed with the same form in which that woman being carried away by the Rakshasa was seen '

Hanuman gazed on that Devata like form of Sita, whose countenance resembled a full moon, who had shapely eyes and graceful rounded breasts and who was dispelling darkness in all quarters by her radiance . She was seated on the bare ground like an ascetic woman leading an austere life . And much like the scared serpent keeping all at a distance, she was sighing repeatedly. She was like the intense fire covered by smoke.


Sundarakanda 63 Sarga In Telugu Pdf Download

She resembled a Smriti text with doubtful meaning , a treasure that has been cast away , a faith that has been shattered , a hope that has been frustrated, a perfection impeded by blemishes, a reputation marred by false scandal. Obstructed from service of Rama she was sighing repeatedly and looked like a fawn looking all around out of helplessness. With difficulty Hanuman could identify her to be Sita.

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Observing the large eyed Sita Hanuman concluded that she is indeed Sita on the following grounds. He saw the same ornaments described by SriRama hung from the branches of the Simsupa tree. He said to himself ' The ornaments described by Srirama are all there except those thrown away in the flight. The yellow garment with golden border whose threads were stuck on the trees in the Rishyamuka mountain can be see here. Although the clothes she is wearing seems worn out they still have the marks of an excellent garment. This lady with golden limbs is the consort of Rama. Though she is physically far away, she is still living in the mind of Rama . Rama was tormented by a four fold grief born out of not having saved the lady in distress , not having protected those who are under his care, sorrow of being separated from his loving wife, and the distress of passion for his wife separated from him. Her form is that of a a celestial. Rama is of beautiful form. She is certainly his wife. Her mind is filled with his form and her form is on the mind of Rama. That is why both of them who are pious minded are alive. Lord SriRama has done what is really hard to accomplish namely that he has preserved his life though separated from his wife.'

Delighted to behold Sita in this way Hanuman remembered SriRama and praised SriRama repeatedly .

Sundarakanda 36 Sarga In Telugu Pdf

Thus ends Chapter 15

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'Delighted to behold Sita in this way Hanuman remembered Srirama and praised SriRama repeatedly'

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